Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drumming on Drums!

Have you ever read the book Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Al Perkins? If not, you are missing out on a choice childhood picture book. Go check it out. It talks about "Millions of fingers! Millions of thumbs! Millions of monkeys Drumming on Drums! Dum ditty, Dum Ditty, dum, dum, dum" This week we had millions of monkeys making drums and then drumming on them. We are so blessed in our town to have a fine arts center that has amazing programs for kids that are either free or very reasonable. Case in point--for 2 weeks my girls participated in a kids theater workshop--every day for 2 hours for 2 weeks, they got a t-shirt, snacks every day and a $5 DQ gift card at the end, and it cost $30. Next month my kids are taking week long art classes, choir classes, African drumming classes, and with each they all get a t-shirt, snacks, and $5 DQ card and the classes range from $10 to $15 each. Lots of cheap summer fun. Can't beat it. It is amazing. We are very blessed. So this week they had a free drumming class where the kids got to make their own African type drum. The girls all went and loved it.
Miss E makes her drum. They covered them with a goat skin top. Then the day after they had a big community drumming circle where everyone participated.
Miss E, far left, drumming on drums at the community drumming circle.

Miss A with her drums and cool percussion instruments they had to play.

And Miss O drumming on a drum. Feel the beat. Dum ditty, dum ditty, dum, dum, dum.


  1. That sounds awesome Jen! Love summer classes for kids. And excellent price as well...

  2. dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum :)
