Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last week

Since tomorrow starts the crazy of December, I wanted to share some photos of last week which was just full of fun stuff because we had family here.  Family is always fun.  So, on the last day of November memories of the last week. . .
Piano recital--yes I played in it--a duet with Miss E.  We were sensational :)

We had family night with my sister's family and my parents and made our tree of thanks.

Every year we make a Tree of Thanks where everyone gets 4-5 leaves each and write on them things they are thankful for.  

In Kindergarten they have a big Thanksgiving feast--the kids peal the potatoes, churn their own butter, make their costumes, then eat, eat, eat--turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, etc and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  So yum!  I was the potato lady that took the potatoes and cooked them after all the kids peeled them. 

Then I got to serve these pilgrims and Indians. So much fun!

We decorated graham cracker "gingerbread" houses.  Making them from graham crackers is about 100 times faster than making them from real gingerbread.  This is my nephew, my mom and Mr Baldy--aka Mr. J.

The girls and Ben work on their houses.

Aunts got to do hair this week.  They always enjoy it much better when someone else besides mom does it :)

We always decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.  That is Miss O under the tree on light patrol :)

There are rail road tracks that go through our town, but they have taken the tracks out and converted it into a walking/biking trail.  The whole things stretches about 50 miles. One day last week my mom and Miss A wanted to walk into town from 10 miles out on the trail, so I dropped them off one frosty morning, and 3 hours later they walked back.  They say they had fun :), and then to celebrate their walking, we took the older kids to see Harry Potter. Oh. my.  It was intense.  Not my favorite HP movie, but it was good.  So, that was our week, and now we are ready (I hope) for December, so bring it on!


  1. you know... everyone is posting about decorating for Christmas and I'm still sitting here wearing my orange shirt and insisting on pretending it's autumn... because I just can't be ready for Christmas yet!!

    I know, I know, time to put on the big girl pants and deal...

  2. #1 - Churn their own butter?? Dang! That is very cool and sounds fresh and yummy. If I had been helping, I think I might have tried to take some home :)

    #2 - I swear we have the same tree as you.

    #3 - We need to talk about the HP movie. I was really upset over the director's interpretation for the scene with Ron's vision. Very upset. I don't know if I can ever take my boys to see that - at any age in the near future. That just kills me. We love reading the books together. The boys know they cannot see all the movies until they are older - but this one might never be one I could buy or show them. It was really disappointing.
