Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Blue Jeans Week 3

What a week!  With the blizzard of 2011 we had 3 snow days, so lots of time at home--maybe too much for some of us :)
Sunday:  We celebrated Kansas Day.  We always make a sunflower cake to celebrate this day, and Saturday was technically Kansas Day, and we did make and decorate the cake then, but we didn't get around to eating it and officially celebrating until Sunday.  Some days are just too crazy.

Monday:  Another tradition we have at our house is our family Valentine's Box.  Ben, Mr J and Miss E work on our box for this year.  We make this as a family usually the first Monday night in February, but did it today on the last day of January.  Each of us takes a side to decorate and then during the days before Valentine's everyone in the family fills it with homemade cards, treats, and/or small prizes for each family member, then we open it together the evening of Valentine's Day.  The kids love this and can be caught often stuffing the cutest items in the box.   One year Miss E made 6 cards for each member of the family.  She was busy that year :)
Tuesday:  Snow Day #1, and Miss E still in her PJ's (which I think she stayed in all day) gets out the binoculars to check out the snowflakes coming down.  "Wow, Mom!  They are all different!"  That is an amazing thing to think about.  
Wednesday:  Snow Day #2.  We got the Valentine's Box all done.  Miss O did this side with Santa and his heart reindeer, and Santa has a balloon speech bubble that says "Happy Valentine's Day to all, and to all a good night!"  Love it! 
Thursday:  Snow Day #3.  Had to get out of the house today, so we made it to the store and bought new winter hats.  They were all on clearance now which is even better, so the kids modeled them on the snow hill in the front yard as they were working on 1 of 3 snow forts they have going on in different parts of the yard. 
Friday:  Finally had school today, but Miss O was home sick!  Not fun, but a routine Friday evening will have Dad reviewing the weeks' worth of papers brought home by 4 kids from school. (Normally about an inch thick of paper here each week!)   Miss E and Miss O watch while Dad reviews their graded papers. 
Saturday:  Time to start the school Valentines!  Mr J decided to do melted heart crayon Valentines.  I saw this in a Family Fun years and years ago, and every year since at least one of my kids has made these.  We never throw away any old or broken crayons here.  We always save them to use for melted heart crayon valentines. 

These are what the melted crayon hearts look like after coming of the the oven and cooling.  We attach them to a cut out red heart piece of paper and write on it "You Color my World" and on the back is where we put the "To" and "From."  So cute and super easy.


  1. our melted crayons never turn out so beautifully... I have TONS of broken crayons because I just can't stand to toss them... perhaps I should try it one more time?

  2. So glad you could stay warm making happy sunny things like sunflowers and hearts! We enjoyed the winter break as well!

  3. I love the Valentine's box and the heart shaped crayons, those both are great ideas!!

  4. Wow! Love that idea. Must remember this one.
