Monday, March 16, 2020

2020 Blue Jeans Week 11

So if you are familiar with the musical Hamilton, there is a song called "The World Turned Upside down."  That song has been playing in my head for the last few days.  Wow.  Our world has been turned upside down, but prayers for those who are fighting the CO-VID 19 virus and for the families of those who have passed away from the virus, and prayers for the healthcare workers all over the world working so hard to help so many!!!  Our worlds are turned upside down to prevent more from having their worlds permanently turned upside down.  We are focusing on the greater good for all, so we will look for the beauty and the joy in what we have and where we find ourselves now.  Prayers for so many right now!  So, these are my pictures from last week, take a look...
Our very first daffodils bloomed!  Spring is coming!!

Helped Miss E do her taxes this past week.  Exciting times!  Good life lessons for her!

I enjoyed an evening walk and a beautiful evening sky while my family was at church activities.

And then everything changed.....screen shot from our church account.

And screen shot of announcement that church services and any and all activities and meetings are temporarily suspended.  Major adjustment for our family, but I loved what our Church leader said in making this announcement, we want to be part of the solution to the problem, so anything we can do to help and limit the spread.  Amen!  So home centered church for the unforeseeable future.

Celebrating Pi Day!  Miss A and her friends enjoyed the day with some yummy pie!

And we also had our own Pi day celebration. We made apple, lemon supreme and chocolate cream pies and invited some friends over to play some games.  It was a fun night after a very stress filled day of announcements, cancellations, and adjustments with schools, church and activities.  We decided we are going to play a game a day for the unforeseeable future :)  We did this last summer and really enjoyed it. Let the games begin!

Prayers for each of you  and your families wherever you are and that you stay healthy and safe!  Wash your hands, don't touch your face and stay home if you are sick!  

1 comment:

  1. So many good pies and such a crazy upside down world we live in right now. Stay safe and keep enjoying the little moments and pretty outdoor evidence that life is still good.
