Monday, August 29, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 34

Our final week with Miss E as she flew back to school on Thursday.  It was fun to have her here for a few weeks in between her European travels!  It was a good week, take a look...
Miss E decided she wanted to make a table runner for her kitchen table at school, and she wanted something that made her happy when she saw it, so we went to my mom's to pick out some fabric (because my mom has tons of fabric).  She picked this cute bear car track print to make into a table runner.  She found some old match box cars to take and put on it.  I think that will be really fun and definitely make her happy when she walks in the door to see that at school!

Mrs A first day of school in her last year of law school!!!  Woohoo!  Go Mrs A!

Miss E made us some amazing French baguettes that she learned how to make at Paris' Le Cordon Bleu cooking school.  They were amazing!

On the day I had to take Miss E to the airport, her flight wasn't until the evening, so we spent a fun day in the city before she left.  We went to the temple together which is always wonderful!

We tried a Japanese place for lunch that was really yummy!

And later in the day we tried a gelato place, which Ella said didn't really compare, but was still good!  Gelato is just better if you have it in Italy :)  Then we got her safely to the airport, and she arrived safe and sound and is now all moved in  and ready to start school, but we will sure miss her here!

Went to lunch with my dear friend.  We have a lot of fun together.

Miss E made it back to school, and Mr and Mrs A took her out to dinner. So sweet of them!

On Saturday, Ben and I were back up in the city to attend the temple again with a friend going through for the first time.  We had a fun day date up in the city.  Sure love this guy and being with him!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are safe and healthy and happy where you are!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really fun last week with Miss E at home and glad she made it back to school ok.
