Last week was our spring break, and we really took it easy. Mr J did not want to go anywhere. We made no big plans and just relaxed at home. We did venture to the city one day and then Ben and I headed there for a day date for the weekend. Did some more puzzles and played some games and made some yummy food. It was a good break. I told Ben Sunday night that it feels like we are at the top of a roller coaster and ready to plunge down as we start these last 8 weeks of school with a senior and track and two graduations (oldest daughter Mrs A from Law school and Mr J from high school) and end of school activities and all that involves with a senior--our LAST senior! So, we really enjoyed a relaxing week before the crazy roller coaster ride of the next few weeks begins. It is all good stuff, just a lot of it! Take a look at our week...
We got a new puzzle during our last trip to the city. It is a fun ice cream one.
Mr J and I did venture to the city one day this week to check out a potential car and then we explored a cool bridge and statue over the river.
The Keeper of the Plains statue
We always celebrate Pi Day on March 14. 3.14. Mr J helped me make the pie to celebrate. It was an apple crumble pie and MR J made the pi decoration to go on top. It was yummy! Perfect way to celebrate!
Donated blood this week.
Played some games. This is Sushi Go Party which is one of our favorites. We admittedly have a lot of favorites :)
This is probably our favorite puzzle that we have, and we did it this week. A fun cereal one.
Mr J made some macaroons to celebrate St. Patrick's day. They were a mint chocolate chip and were amazing! Those are a tricky cookie to make, and he did a great job! Love how he decorated them too!
Happy St. Patrick's day! We always have a green themed dinner, and Mr J shows off his leprechaun socks that he wears every year. Fun tradition!
Our date this week was heading up to the city early Saturday morning to attend the Temple for our church, and then we did some shopping and had lunch. It was a great day date! Sure love this cute guy!
Thanks for visiting! Hope you are safe and happy and healthy wherever you are! Have a great week!