Wednesday, November 28, 2018

2018 Blue Jeans Week 47

Thanksgiving week!  We so loved being with all our kids and being able to see lots of our extended family!!!  Take a look...
 This is my amazing almost 93 year old DeeDee (my grandma).  Sure love her and so good to see her and visit!

We decided to go on a hike....little did we know how much snow there would be up the mountains...

the frozen falls that we hiked too...

Warming up after the cold, snowy hike by the of our favorite things!

Got to see my other set of grandparents too--my kids' great-grandparents.  Sure love them!

Went to an amazing ice cream place with Ben's parents.  Yummy!

Miss E was especially impressed with hers!

Enjoying family time and playing a new (to us) game---tripoloy.  Lots of fun!

Helping Grandma prepare for Thanksgiving dinner!

And our family on Thanksgiving!  So much fun!  Such great family and such amazing food!  It was the perfect Thanksgiving!!!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!  Come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful family holiday. You and are so lucky to still have your grandparents around and it's great the kids can spend time with them and get to know them and their story.
