Monday, June 17, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 24

Nice week of cooler weather for this summer.  Had some rain and some beautiful rainbows!  Take a look at our week....
A beautiful, cool Sunday afternoon reading and hanging out on the front porch.  Mr J loves to get his picture taken :)

Two double rainbows in the same week! It is harder to see the 2nd one, but the brighter rainbow got to where you could see the entire thing.  So pretty!

Our 2nd double rainbow this week!

Miss A on her adventures in England at Tintern Abbey

We went to the city to the temple together and after tried out a new ice cream place with unique and yummy flavors!  Ice cream is our thing! Yum!

Miss A on her adventures in England.  She said a portion of Harry Potter 7 part 2 was filmed here on this rocky ridge.  Such beautiful landscapes!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Love your front porch and those pictures of Miss A in England. So fin for her! Jealous for real.
