Tuesday, November 19, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 46

 A slower week with no sports practices or anything, nice weather, and it was a good week.  Take a look....
Mr J and Ben doing the dishes together one night.  Love it!

A beautiful sunset on a lake near our home as we walked one evening.  So beautiful!

Making chocolate chip cookies.  A family favorite.  

School board meeting this week, and we were presented with a check from a local business that supports education.  So grateful for the good people in our town!

We had really nice weather, so Ben and the kids took advantage of the 60 degree sunny weather to get the Christmas lights up before Thanksgiving and it gets cold and yucky.  We won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving, but nice to have it done!

Enjoying the fall weather and leaves!

Hope you have a great week!  Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I love having leaf throwing fights. Beautiful lake picture. There are many lights up in our neighborhood but not for us yet. It used to bother me seeing them on so early but now that it's dark by 5pm it's nice to have them while walking the dog. Enjoy the no sports while it lasts. Basketball is up next!
