Monday, November 25, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 47

Hello!  We have had a good week.  Miss E was burning the candle at both ends with two-a-day basketball practice.  One thing we are thankful for is that is OVER!  She is excited about her last season of basketball.  She has been playing with the same girls since 7th grade, so to see them still together as seniors is awesome!  Cross country banquet this week.  Miss O's roommate got married, and we had a backyard visitor.  SO much to be thankful for!  Take a look....
I am thankful for nature.  We have had a lot of deer visiting our back yard lately. This buck is beautiful, and he just watched us as we watched him out the big kitchen windows.

I am thankful for great coaches that have been a huge influence for good in my life as well as all 4 of my kids' lives!  Cross country banquet, Miss E honored as a senior by the same coach I had when I ran cross country in HS.  He is a gem!  

I am thankful for good friends for my kids.  Mr J and the other freshman boys honored in the cross country banquet. 

I am thankful for strong girls that work hard, and no one has worked harder than these girls on our varsity cross country team.  They supported each other and encouraged and worked SO HARD to get the whole team to state, which hasn't happened for our girls team in over 15 years!  So proud of all of them and so proud Miss E was part of the state bound team her senior year!

So thankful for the good roommates Miss O has had.  She started college with 5 other roommates and knew nothing about any of them.  They have become the best of friends, and one of them got married this last weekend.  Such beautiful, strong and talented young women!

So thankful for good friends that you can have fun with!  Sure love these girls and so grateful for their being a part of Miss O's life!  Lifelong friends!!!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

1 comment:

  1. Such a great week and so much to be thankful for. Love it all! Have a wonderful holiday.
