Monday, June 14, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 23

We had a good week.  The weekend was the best.  We were able to do some things we haven't done in over a year, and tt felt like things are really getting back to normal, and we loved it!  All is well here!  Take a look at our week...
Our Sunday evening game this week was Azul.  Love that game.  There are 3 different Azul games, and we have played this one (the original) and the stained glass one.  Hopefully someday we can play the third one.  We love both of the ones we have played.

Miss E's bread she made this week.  It was a white sandwich bread from Mel's Kitchen Cafe and so yummy!  Toast with butter and strawberry freezer jam is my favorite, and this bread was perfect for that!

Picture from cute Miss O and her boyfriend.  They were volunteers at a marathon this past week.  So awesome!

Some awesome train tracks being made at our house this week.  Love this!  Mr J enjoying a day off and staying cool inside!

Our awesome Saturday in the city included attending the temple--missed Mr J he had to work!

Went to a park for lunch and toured their gorgeous rose gardens!  So beautiful!

Then we went to an art museum which we had not been to in over a year.  Loved it!!!

As a special exhibit they had one of Monet's Water Lilies in a special room and then had the lights set to reflect the different times of day from dawn to dusk.  It was amazing to see the painting change with the lights going from soft to full. This was early evening light

And this was full day light.  So different!  It was a cool thing to see!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a great week!  Stay safe and healthy and happy!

1 comment:

  1. How fun to get out and do this you haven't done is forever. Love that special light exhibit--super cool to see. Miss O looks super happy and cute with her boyfriend. Love the bread and amazing train track! We finally gave our tracks away although I di keep a small set for grandkids someday ;0)
