Monday, November 22, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 46

We had a good week.  Busy week.  Adjusting to this new "normal" has definitely been interesting.  In some ways I think I liked when there was no where to go or nothing to do :)  Finding the balance is the challenge.  But a good week-fun jazz band stuff with Mr J and getting our outside Christmas lights up.  Take a look at our week...
Had lunch at my sweet friend's house this week.  We are COVID friends--met checking in patients at our community's 8 weeks of COVID vaccine clinics earlier this year.  She is awesome!

Mr J made it to district jazz band.  Last year he did also, but they never had a performance.  This year they did.  Interesting masks you can wear while you play your instrument!  He had a solo and did awesome!  Fun to go see him perform! 

Mr J and his AMAZING band instructor!  We LOVE her!  She is just awesome!  

Super proud of this kid! He works so hard!

Our Friday night pizza and movie night.  Is 3 pizzas too many for 3 people?  I guess not.  Watched the new Marvel Shang-Chi movie and loved it!  So fun!

Saturday we had a sunny and 60 degree day so I heavily encouraged Ben and Mr J to put up the outside Christmas lights :)  and they obliged me.  What good guys!  This coming weekend it is going to be 40 outside when we would normally put them up, so good to get them up now!

Date night this week.  We went to a concert where the band was doing Elton John and Billy Joel music.  SO good!  Fun to go out.  Music is a balm for the soul and just makes you feel good!  Sure love this guy and our weekly dates!

Thanks for visiting!  Stay safe and healthy and happy and enjoy your Thanksgiving!  So much to be thankful for!!!!


1 comment:

  1. It was kind of nice when things were a little less busy but next year with our empty nest we'll have plenty of that so I need to enjoy the craziness while it lasts. Your week was full but good. Those pizzas look amazing and so glad you had a good date night.
