Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 51

Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!  Ours was different this year with half our kids not home--a first for us, but it was also wonderful.  We are so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and His love for us, and we are so grateful we can celebrate Him and remember Him. We had a wonderful week.  Take a look...
Got our cheese balls all done for friend and neighbor gifts, and got them delivered.  

Got our last Christmas puzzle done. This one is a fun one.

Had our traditional December bonfire and smores.  It was cold, but the fire was so delightful :)

Went to look at some fun lights.  

Miss E has taken up knitting and made this awesome octopus!

We had some crazy, insanely cold weather---below zero temps with a strong north wind and wind chill temps of -35.  It was a very, VERY cold few days, and we kept our wood burning stove on for 3 days straight.  Burr!  Mr J was extra cold, so Miss E wrapped him up in pretty much every blanket we had downstairs.  So grateful we have heat and a fireplace!  

This December we focused on some classic Christmas movies.  White Christmas and Holiday Inn.  They are completely different, and it was fun to watch them and compare.  

Had Ben's work Christmas party.  Great group of people that he works with!!! So grateful for them!

Friday night is pizza night.  Mr J and Miss E were in charge of the pizzas tonight.  So yummy!

Christmas Eve---Had our yummy meal, and then sang lots of Christmas songs.  We were missing Mr and Mrs A and Mr JC and Mrs OC, but we had some wonderful friends, and my parents to celebrate with so that was awesome.  We had both piano and violin accompaniment which was beautiful!

The kids opted for a Nativity puppet show again this year instead of acting out the nativity story.  They were too old to do the acting out they said, but not too old to put on a puppet show :)  It was awesome!

Christmas Eve pajamas!  

Mr and Mrs A in their new Christmas pajamas with Mr A's family dog at his family's.  Mr JC and Mrs OC are on a cruise for Christmas with his family, so we are looking forward to seeing pictures of them when they get back. We missed having these 4 this Christmas, but when kids get married, you have to share holidays with the in-laws.  I am trying to be a good sharer :)  Looking forward to next year!

Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!  So much to be thankful for!  Looking for good things in 2023!!  Thanks for joining us here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Brrr! You guys were super cold. So many states like that (my parents and sister in Texas had a rough go as well) and glad it wasn't that way here. Love that octopus! It's so cute. You all have so many fun Christmas traditions which is wonderful. It looks like a great holiday was had by all. Best wishes for the new year!
