Monday, February 4, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 5

Baby, it's been cold outside!  Winter is in full force here!  It has been a cold week, but thankfully not as cold as some other places.  Anytime you see single digits and negative numbers in relation to the temperature, it is too cold for me!  Got some pictures from Miss A this week, celebrated our state, Geography Bee, cookies and checking off the 'to-do' list rounded out our week.  Take a look...
Miss A serves with these cute girls in the woman's organization in her church congregation at college.  An amazing group of ladies!

Miss A and her awesome roommate show off their entry in her apartment's snowman building contest.  Pretty awesome snow octopus!

Happy Kansas Day!  We always celebrate our state's birthday with a sunflower cake.  Miss E was at a ball game, so Mr J and Ben got to show it off.  

On the super cold days, we kept the fire going 24/7.  This is how I enjoyed those super cold evenings--in fuzzy socks in front of the fireplace with a book!  

Getting our passports renewed for a trip we have coming up this year.  Always so many things "to-do" when you have a big trip coming up!  

Mr J took 3rd place in his school's geography Bee.  The young lady in the middle won it, and she did awesome!  Mr J's goals were not to get last, and he really didn't want to win either, so he was happy with the result :)

Miss E decided to make some fancy macaroons.  They were yummy!!!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are staying warm!

1 comment:

  1. So many good treats and how exciting to be planning for a big trip needing a passport. Great idea to spend those super cold days in front of the fire with a good book. That snow sculpture is another winner.
