Thursday, February 21, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 7

Last week we had an unintentional 5 day weekend (because of bad ice and snow storms and school closed), and this week we had a planned 5 day weekend because of parent teacher conferences and President's day.  Our weather has been awful, and I think we all were suffering from cabin fever after all those days home and not getting out because of ice and snow storms.  This week we had lots and lots of basketball to make up for the games that were cancelled last week.  Just one more week of that and then we are done!  Yeah!  It was a good week.  Take a look...
We babysat some friend's kids and they enjoyed making this huge train track with Mr J.  Reminded me of when he made these all the time as a little kid!  It was fun to see them out again!

Working on a school bond campaign and getting people registered to vote.  Are you registered?

An adorable picture from Miss O this week and her cute roommates.  They had a friend that wanted to practice group photos, so they volunteered.  So cute!

I do laundry once a week--every Tuesday.  If anyone wants any more laundry done, they are on their own, but I will do it on Tuesdays.  Doing Mr J's laundry this week and thinking, Man, he has a lot of socks! So I counted....13 pairs of socks in one week!!! Who wears 13 pairs of socks in one week?  We we had a little talk when he got home :)

Basketball game #1 of 3 for the week.  Miss E warming up with her team.  Had some really good games this week!

Basketball game #2 of 3 for the week.  Miss E getting the ball in. This game was intense!  They won by 2 points at the end!  Woohoo!

Needing to get out of the house, and with it freezing cold and snow outside, we went to the church to play ping pong, but it was a tight fit as they were all set up for a church dinner coming up, but we still had fun and it was nice to get out of the house!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!!

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about the bad weather but good idea to head to the church to play some and get out. Love the Provo college girl picture--super cute. I'm so happy to be done with basketball for the season. Hopefully yours ends soon.
