Monday, July 26, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 29

We are just seeing summer fly by here.  Anyone else?  Once the 4th is over, it seems summer just flies by.  We are good.  Healthy and happy and grateful for that.  Here is a look at our week....
Our Sunday game this week was Mr J's choice....The Scrambled States of American Game which we have had for a long time and is supposed to be for younger kids, but we all enjoy it.  

Miss E has had some amazing projects this summer.  She has been making bread almost weekly which we love, and she also has been making homemade Greek yogurt almost weekly which we also love!  Man, I am going to have a hard time when she leaves and heads back to college!  This is her batch of Greek yogurt this week as she gets it in the fridge to drain overnight which is what makes it Greek.  She makes the yogurt in the insta-pot, and it is sooo good!  I eat it every morning with honey stirred in because it is plain, and it is just so amazing!  At the beginning of the summer she just googled how to make homemade yogurt and then we bought an instant read thermometer and a cheese cloth and we were set!

Miss E wanted to try a fancy cake this week.  I made the actual cake, but she made the buttercream and decorated it.  She did a great job!  This was for a birthday at Ben's work and is a cookies and cream cake.  So yummy!

Miss O and her boyfriend were counselors this week at a church youth conference, and they had an amazing week!  So proud of them!  They didn't get paid for being there the whole week.  It was a service, and they are just awesome!  I know they blessed so many lives of the youth that were there!  They are amazing examples!

Ben and Miss E decided for our family vacation coming up they wanted to do jelly bean taste testing/guessing, so they went through a huge Costco sized container of jelly belly's and separated them into flavors---they think.  Some of them were too similar to each other to tell which flavor they were.  Going to be fun!

This kid got braces a few weeks ago because he has a tooth that is horizontal beneath his front bottom teeth, and so he had oral surgery today to find the tooth and put a button and chain on it that will be attached to his braces so every time he gets his braces adjusted they will pull on the chain and pull the tooth up so hopefully in a few months the tooth will come up in the right spot and he will have a perfect smile with all his adult teeth.  So today was oral surgery day.  Not fun, but glad it went well and ready for the healing!

Hello to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo!  We LOVE the Olympics at our house and always have.  I just love all the stories of the athletes from all over the world.  So in honor of the Opening Ceremony, we had an Olympic party with Olympic themed food.  Yummy!

Date night this week was as early evening walk on the trails to just have some time together and talk.  Sure love this guy!  So blessed to have him!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a good week!  Stay safe and healthy and happy!

1 comment:

  1. Summer is flying by quick! I feel it for sure and seems like school starts earlier and earlier in Aug each year which doesn't help. That cake looks so professional and yummy. Great team work! Love your Olympic kick off party idea. We were traveling so missed the opening ceremonies and the start of it all but catching up now. Glad Mr J's oral surgery went well and love the seeing the new cute couple in their element plus you and your guy out on another nature date. Enjoy what's left of summer!
