Tuesday, September 3, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 35

Loved having everyone home for most of last week!!!  The girls headed back to school end of the week because they started today.  It was a fun week even though the younger kids were in school.  The girls and Ben got to go to Hamilton and LOVED it!  It was a great week!  Take a look....
Took the girls to lunch at a yummy place.   We got pie, but we didn't get pictures of that.  Their pie is amazing!

Feel the love, or the claustrophobia :)  family togetherness.  I think they were looking at something on a phone. 

Seniors can buy a specific parking spot at the school and then can paint it so everyone knows it is theirs.  Miss E was very happy to have her sisters help her paint her parking spot this week while they were home.

Looks good! It says "Everything is Awesome"

Miss O diligently working on her t-shirt braided rug.  Ben was helping her out.  

And she finally got it done!  Woohoo!  It is going to look awesome in her kitchen at her new apartment when she gets back to school!  Super cute!

Went on a walk with these two.  Miss O found that lighter on the ground and had to include it in our picture :)

And these lucky 4 are headed to the Broadway musical of Hamilton tonight!  Woohoo!  They are excited!

Ben sent me this.  They all LOVED it!  They said they had goosebumps from the second it started until after the curtain closed.  Awesome!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you all had a great week!

1 comment:

  1. What a great week. Love the parking space. Our high school just started doing that last year but it hasn't really taken off yet. The rug turned out great.
