Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 38

Lots of cross country pictures this week.  I need to remember to take pictures of other things :)  It was a very hot and humid race day, but the kids did awesome!  Take a look....
Miss E rockin' her race!  She got 12th place, and they medal the top 15.  Woohoo!

Mr J getting ready to start in the boys varsity race

He rocked it this week and got an individual medal in his varsity race.  He got 14th and they medal top 15.

Our awesome girls team got 2nd as a team.  Loving those team medals!

And our awesome boys team got first!!!  Every boy got an individual medal plus the team gold medal.  Sweet!

Our date for this week was going on an 18 mile bike ride.  It was a little warm, but we made it!  I am looking forward to doing it again when it is about 20 degrees cooler!  

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a great week!


  1. They're doing wonderful with cross country and love that you guys went on a bike ride for a date.

  2. Dang, that's a long bike ride. Hope it was fun!
