Monday, September 30, 2019

2019 Blue Jeans Week 39

We had a good week.  Still waiting for fall-like temps here.  It is still too hot and humid to be anywhere near fall-like.  Great cross country race this week, and I got other pictures besides that, so that is also good!  Take a look at our week....
Sunday afternoon games are a big deal at our house.  Ben and Miss E enjoy a new game we recently got.

Our school board is the best!  We had a meeting this week and were in a different building than usual.  Lots of good things happening!  Great, great people!

Home cross country meet this week, and these kids did awesome!  Both medaled and both of their teams got first place! 

Even though it doesn't feel like fall, it will come and along with that flu season, so the kids had a day off this past week, so we went and all got our flu shots done.  Not our favorite thing, but so important!

This awesome group of kids is our fall homecoming court.  Miss E is up there.  Homecoming is next week, so that will be fun!

Our amazing girls' cross country team!  They are so cute and just plain awesome on the courses this year! 

Took in a baseball game this weekend as the season comes to a close.  It was a lot of fun!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great week. You guys need a table at your board meeting. LOL! Hope things cool a bit for you so it can feel more like fall. Our weather lately is back and forth-can't make up it's mind.
