Monday, March 1, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 8

We had a good week.  Our frigid temperatures receded and we are having normal winter weather which I appreciate!  I had the awesome opportunity to volunteer at a COVID vaccine clinic for the elderly this week.  It was just awesome!  As a volunteer, I got my first vaccine which was also awesome.  The feeling at the clinic was just so positive, and people were so happy to be there.  Exciting to think we are turning a corner on this and hopefully soon will be back to "normal" what ever that is.  It was a great thing to get to help with!  Take a look at our week...
Continuing documenting family history things....this blanket was a Christmas present many years ago (maybe 10-12 years ago?) from Ben's brother and sister-in-law and their family.  We used to exchange names between sibling families for Christmas gift exchanges, but haven't done it for a while.  Instead we donate that money we would have spent to our favorite charity,  But I digress, so my sweet sister-in-law and her family made this blanket for us one year when they had our family to give to.  She had each of her kids do a square with their handprints on it, and then she made stick people pictures of everyone in our family doing something they like.  Mr J is up there with a flashlight shining on a toy train.  One of the girls is jumping on our trampoline, one of our girls is reading a book, one of our our girls is hitting a volleyball, and then she has Ben and I playing frisbee, and then of course they have our favorite team all over the blanket.  Also as part of this gift, they gave Mr J a cool flashlight, and each of the girls these cute crazy colored socks, so on the girls stick figures, they have multicolored socks, and then they gave us a cool frisbee. We love this blanket and it resides in our family room on one of the couches all year long.  It is the blanket of choice for everyone when we watch a movie.  So much love went into making this, and it means a lot to our family.  I knew I needed to document it!

Ben made this awesome tie dye shirt this week.  It was a shirt he already had, and he had got some stains on it, but he loved the shirt, so he decided to dye it to see if that made it so you couldn't see the stains.  It worked, and it looks pretty cool I think!

Board meeting this week, and Mr J came and performed his saxophone for us because he was the only one in our band program that made it to state band this year.  It was fun to hear him play!  I am on the left.

Had the opportunity to donate blood this week.  I am always glad when I can do that!

This is me and a fellow volunteer at our community COVID vaccine clinic this week.  We got almost 400 people vaccinated in our elderly population which was awesome!  Our job was the waiting room, because they want you to wait there 15 minutes after you get the shot.  So we were monitoring people right after they got the shot to make sure they were feeling ok and letting them know when their 15 minutes was up and they could go.  It was a long day--8-4, but so worth it!  The attitude of everyone was so good!  The clinic was set up so well and efficiently!  We received so many comments on how well it was run!  People were so excited to be there and get their first vaccine shot!!! I was also super excited because both of my parents were able to come and get their first shots!!!  Woohoo!  Looking forward to doing it again!

Saturday chores--Ben washed all the cars as we had a nice day, and they were all gross after all the snow and yuck they had been driving through lately.  Love having a clean car, and he did inside and out which was even better!  Sure love this guy!

Family weekend game night.  Each of us picked a game we wanted to play. I chose Azul,  Mr J chose King Domino and Ben chose Silver and Gold.  It was a fun evening!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!  Stay healthy and safe! 

1 comment:

  1. That's great you could volunteer at a shot clinic and then get your 1st shot too. I'm so happy to hear so many people getting vaccinated. There is hope. That quilt is so creative and amazing. I can see why your family treasures it. Love how Ben's shirt turned out and love that board meeting picture with you watching your son play. So sweet and congrats to him on making it to state. Another great week in the books. Enjoy the nicer weather.
