Monday, January 31, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 4

We had a pretty uneventful week.  Nothing major going on and some nice weather to enjoy being outside.  It was a good week.  Take a look...
I found a new sugar cookie recipe that I wanted to try with an almond glaze.  We had a lot of fun decorating cookies Sunday evening.

Some of our creations...

Went hiking with one of my friends.  Nice to walk and talk and enjoy a beautiful, sunny January day!

Mrs OJC drew this and shared it with our family group.  We all loved it!  

A picture from my morning walk.  The lake is partially frozen and the frozen part got a little bit of snow on it, and it was just so pretty this morning with the sun on it.

Celebrating our state's birthday with a 'sunflower' cake like we traditionally do.  This was my January cake--a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting.  It was so good!  One of our favorites so far!

Ben reading to me one evening.  I love when we can read books aloud to each other!

Picture from Mr and Mrs A this week.  Their date night was to go night skiing!  So fun!

 Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a good week and are staying healthy and safe and happy!

1 comment:

  1. Night skiing is so fun! Glad they got to go. Looks like a great week with some good outdoor time and yummy treats. That cake sounds amazing and is cute too. Love how you made the sunflowers.
