Monday, December 14, 2020

2020 Blue Jeans Week 50

We have had a good week.  Enjoying the Christmas season and doing some fun things at home.  Everyone is healthy and prayers we all stay that way!  Hope all is well at your homes too!  Take a look at our week...
At school in band class they were going through old instruments and they found a soprano sax.  Mr J plays the tenor sax, and his teacher was excited to find this and wants him to start learning how to play it.  I had never heard of a soprano sax, so it will be cool to hear how it sounds.

Doing some house cleaning and rearranging to get ready to have everyone here for Christmas.  Moving things around....but they found a temporary home in the entry while we figured out where to put them.

Went to a live performance--all socially distanced and masked and lots of other safety protocol in place, but it was so fun to see and listen to this Christmas concert!  

Getting ready for a hot chocolate night with Lucky Charms marshmallows.  Thought that was a fun idea for hot chocolate!  It was pretty yummy!

Ben reading a Christmas story to us one night this week.  I will forever and always love picture books, but especially Christmas picture books!

My girls had a fun evening together this week as they have a short break before finals begin.  It was fun to see them together!

They went looking at some cool Christmas lights!  Excited to see them all soon!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you all stay safe and healthy this holiday season!  What a crazy year, for sure!  But we sure still have a lot to be thankful for!  Have a good one!


1 comment:

  1. It looks really cold where the girls are. So fun to be able to g to a concert in person. Missing doing anything in person these days. Good luck to Mr J with the new sax. Sounds interesting.
