Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 2

It seems like we have been in January a long time, but this is only the 2nd week of photos.  Sometimes time seems to just drag, and others it flies by!  It was a good week.  Adjusting to just the 3 of us home again.  Girls and Mr A made it through their first week of the new semester, and Mr J in high school and Mrs A in law school made it through their 2nd week of semester after the break.  Everyone is healthy and well, and for that we are extremely grateful!  Praying for a peaceful transition of power this week.  Never thought that would be something I would ever imagine we would need to pray for!  Prayers for our country, our leaders, and our people!  Take a look at our week...
Sunday's family call--we use Skype.  Mr A and Mrs A had to leave early, so we just had Miss E and Miss O for most of the call.  Grateful for technology that allows us to do this!

Part of my routine each morning since July is stretching.  These are the things I use each morning to stretch.  

Sporting my favorite team jacket today!
This amazing lady is my grandma, but we call her DeeDee, and she turned 95 this week!!!!  She is truly amazing!  She still lives by herself, bakes cookies almost daily (get my love to baking from her) and truly inspires me!  I want to be just like her when I grow up!

My cute January towel that Miss E made for me.  Makes me happy to see it!

Two of my girls studying together at the library at school.  Love to see them do things together!

Date night--I have tried to be way more intentional about date nights the last few months--actually scheduling them--even if they are just stay at home date nights.  Tonight we got take out from one of our favorite Mexican places, and it was so good!  Sure love this guy!

Saturday date--our first bike ride of the new year!  It was warm enough and we had time today to get in a quick ride on our favorite trails!  Sure love this guy and grateful for the time we have to be together!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a safe and healthy week!  Remember to be kind!


  1. Looks like another great week. Starting the day stretching is never a bad idea. Happy birthday to your grandmother--she sounds like a wonderful lady. I'm also loving all the selfies shots this week.

  2. So...Date night at home. Can you give tips on how that works? Is J man banished to his room? Just asking for a friend who could use some advice.
