Tuesday, April 27, 2021

2021 Blue Jeans Week 16

Hello!  Hope you have had a good week!  I have all my kids home this week which is wonderful!!  Soaking it all up!  Last week was a good one.  Ben and I got to the city for a day date which was fun.  Take a look at our week...
Our Sunday evening game was the Catan dice game.  We love the regular Catan game, but when you don't have as much time, the dice game is perfect!

School pictures for this kid. Sure love him!

And talk about weird weather, we had snow!  It didn't last the day, but it was sure pretty with big flakes coming down.

Ben took the afternoon off one day last week, and we headed to the city to do some shopping and went to dinner at one of our favorite burger places.  So enjoy being with this cute guy!

Track meet for the week was in a town that had a big hill that we hiked up to and could see for miles.  It was a long track meet, and Mr J ran the first race and the 2nd to last, so we have hours to kill.  It was pretty when we walked,.

By the end of the meet it was raining and cold.  Mr J rocking his 2 mile race in the rain, wind and cold.  Gotta love track season!

And these kids are on their way here!  They drove and arrived late Saturday night.  So excited to have them home!!!!!  They are finished with their school year and are ready for a break and then summer internships and jobs here they come!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are safe and healthy!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. WoW! Your college kids are done for the year already? Justin still has 3 more weeks at a Cal State semester school and the UC kids on quarter system have 8 more weeks here. I bet yours are so happy to be done for now. Looks like a crazy weather week for you, but it's great you all still got out and made the most of it. Nice thing about tennis is that it can't happen in the rain but then again we hardly have any rain so not really a problem. LOL!
