Tuesday, September 6, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 35

In the thick of school here now.  Miss E and Mr A started school this week.  Mrs A started last week, and Mr J has been going for a week more than that.  First cross country race of the season--his last season!  It was a hot day, but he did awesome!  It was a good week, take a look...
Sunday game was the card game of Bold.  Simple, quick and fun.

Miss E on her first day of her junior year at college! 

Mr A on his first day of his PhD program! 

Our bird feeders and the humming bird who stands guard by the feeder and chases off all the other humming birds so they can't eat.  It is pretty entertaining to watch.

Made Focaccia bread this week and it was so yummy!

First cross country race of the season for Mr J--his senior year, the starting of the "lasts"... last time to run this course.  He did amazing!  Looking forward to a great season!

Date night this week was a local football game where a close friend was playing.  It was a cool evening and perfect for football!  Looking forward to Friday night lights again!

Saturday was a get things done day so our Monday holiday can be more fun.  Mr J and Ben changed the oil in a few of the cars.  Good life skills!

These cute kids went to a local festival and got these amazing cinnamon rolls and had a great time together.  So glad they can be together, but we miss being with them

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are healthy and happy wherever you are!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. That bread looks amazing and what fun pictures of the kids back at school.
