Friday, November 10, 2023

2023 Blue Jeans Week 41

I am way behind. Getting my work/life in balance has been a challenge. We are good just plugging along! I need to catch up!  This was the week of Oct 8-14.
Spirit week at work, and today was tie-die day. 

Ben is fixing up his old bike after he got his new one.  He wanted to keep this one and fix it up.

Mrs OC and Mr JC came down for a few days. We went on a beautiful fall hike. The leaves were so pretty!

We went on a long bike ride on Saturday with the C's and had a lot of fun!

Did lunch with my wonderful friends!

Ok, thanks for catching up!


1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back. That work life balance is no joke. Love the fall walk and bike ride pictures.
