Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday thoughts. . . senior pictures

Ok just letting you know this post is super heavy on the picture side because they are Miss A's senior pictures.  They are amazing!  We had them taken in August.  Two years ago we had a sweet sister missionary serving in our area who had her own photography business.  She took our family pictures that year.  As she was taking them she said, "Oh, I would love to come back and take Miss A's senior pictures."  Well, she got off her mission and moved back to Utah.  Fast forward 2 years, and this summer I commented to her on facebook that she needed to come back and take Miss A's senior pictures.  I was just joking but was totally surprised and super excited when she said, "Yes! I am coming in August to do them!" So that sweet girl flew from Utah with her amazing mom to visit us and take these amazing senior pictures for Miss A.  We all loved them!  
Miss A has been taking piano lessons since kindergarten and will be having her senior piano recital in May right before she graduates.  She is an amazing pianist!  We are going to put this picture on her invite to her senior piano recital.

And you can just enjoy the rest without any commentary from me.  They all just turned out beautiful!

Love them all!  So fun!  So crazy though, her final cross country race was this week.  Man.  That was hard.  She has run that since her freshman year with the same coach.  Good memories!  Senior year is flying by!  Here we go. . .


  1. These turned out beautiful! How did our cute little toddlers grow up so fast?! Great adventures ahead.
    Love to all!

  2. They turned out great! I really like the one on the swing.
