Wednesday, March 11, 2020

2020 Blue Jeans Week 10

Late as usual this week, but better late than never.  My life as a basketball mom is officially over.  That is a sad thing.  I have loved watching Miss E play since 7th grade.  She has a passion for it even though she is the shortest player on the whole team, but she is fierce and a great competitor.  So last basketball game was this week.  Mr J had a jazz band competition, and the kids had a day off school for end of the quarter.  Only 9 weeks of school left, and only 8 for senior Miss E!  Take a look at our week...
Mr J rockin' his solo at the jazz band competition this week.  They sounded so good!

Last basketball game ever for Miss E, and she got to start!  Ready to go!  So proud of this girl!

Had lunch with these two cuties one day this week.  Yummy!

Weather has been so nice!  It finally feels like spring is here, and the kids enjoyed being out on the trampoline for a little bit in the nice weather.

Mr J and his forensics team this week.  He got first in both of his events and their team was league champs!!!  

A picture from Miss O this week, she and her friends took a road trip and went to Vegas to get away from school.  She said it was fun but she doesn't want to go back :)

And Miss E enjoys cooking when she can.  She made some yummy lemon cupcakes this week.

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!  Wash your hands and don't touch your face!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got some nice spring weather and the kids could get outside. Haha! I've been to Vegas twice and really have no desire to go back either. It's sad basketball is over for your girl but now on to bigger and better things and at least she got to play out her season. I feel sorry for all the spring sport kids who won't get to play this year.
