Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2020 Blue Jeans Week 12

It is really, really hard to describe the emotions and what life is like right now.  Surreal, crazy, unimaginable, the world turned upside down, and as I told a friend, I wake up each morning and think, "No, this is not a bad dream.  We are living this crazy."  It seems like life changes almost hourly, and we really have no right to complain.  There are many that have it way worse than we do.  I am grateful I have a home.  I am grateful I have food. I am grateful we have toilet paper.  I am grateful my kids can still learn even though they will not physically be attending a school building.  I am grateful for technology that allows me to communicate with family not close by.  I am grateful my husband currently has a job.  I am grateful to a Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers. I  am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am grateful for an amazing and hardworking husband.  I am grateful for good leaders on all levels of government who try their best.  This is uncharted territory people, we need to have patience and say lots of prayers.  Even amidst the crazy and uncertain and scary, there is much to be grateful for.  So, this is at look at our constantly changing week that was our scheduled spring break....

Family walk on Sunday.  It was cold, but we all needed to get out of the house!!!  Living in the country and near a rural community is a blessing that we can get out and walk and enjoy the beautiful earth.  Spring is coming!!

So we got word that our library was closing for the foreseeable future, so we went and loaded up on lots of books, board games and some movies.  I am grateful we have a library and were able to check out all these books!

And then the bomb dropped.....schools closed for the rest of the school year.  I have a senior.  Her year is over.  Learning will still take place at home be that through online or packets mailed to homes, but her senior year is over.  No track meets, no school play, no prom, no graduation, no senior picnic and the list goes on--anything and everything associated with school is over.  She had no idea when she left school the Friday before spring break that it would be the last times she sees those friends she has had since kindergarten and those teachers.  It is hard on my freshman boy too, but especially for my senior girl. Man, it was a HARD day.  This is HARD stuff for these teenagers.  Not to minimize the hard things that others are dealing with, because I know it is a lot worse for some people, but just taking a moment to acknowledge how tough this is for these seniors.  Ugh.  Makes my heart hurt and tears come to my eyes.  

Despite the bad news, these two made some awesome chalk art on the driveway to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

And our traditional all green dinner on St. Patrick's day.

And then my mom stopped by this week to drop off this surprise for Ben.  She made him this awesome quilt.  So much love!

And even though it is spring break, with travel restrictions and rainy weather, we did a lot of stuff inside.  Mr J working through his lego sets.  Love it!

And I enjoyed a walk with these two on the trails by our house.  They have had a hard week, but I am proud of them!  We have had a lot of rain and this river behind them shows it, but it was nice to get out.  I am grateful we have nature trails by our home that allow us to get out and enjoy outside and still practice social distancing.

Prayers and patience, my friends, for all!  Hope you were able to find things to be grateful for in your week!  I know so many are dealing with so much at this time!  Prayers and patience!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to see all you are grateful for- a true blessing and inspiration in these times. I'm sorry for your senior. It has been hard on the kids for sure. That's quite a blow and will take awhile to truly sink in. Love the St Patty's day chalk and all the nature walks. One of the best things we can do is enjoy nature right now. Stay safe.
