Monday, October 31, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 43

Exciting week.  Our last cross country meet ever....state meet, and so many emotions with that!  Some Halloween fun and getting more back to normal.  Take a look at our week...
For years before the pandemic we helped monthly with a local church's soup kitchen.  They have not done it in person since March of 2020, so this month was their first month back to in person soup kitchen, and we were SO happy to be back and helping again!

Game this Sunday was Qwirkle.  It was a good one, and I won, so that always makes it better :)

Ben had a home health visit way out in the middle of nowhere at a home around this little lake we had never heard of, so I was able to accompany him, and while he was doing his visit, I walked around the lake.  It was a beautiful fall day and very enjoyable!

Got this picture this week of Miss E and our dear friend who is currently serving a mission for our church where Miss E is.  So fun to have them run into each other!

Our Church's trunk-or-treat was this Wednesday and Ben and a man he works with in the church had some pretty cool costumes!  Loved their beards, and they didn't plan this :)

Mr J helping me work on treat bags for the high school cross country team for their state trip.  

A bitter sweet moment--Mr J's last cross country meet, and my last cross country meet ever as a mom--and after having 4 kids in cross country, I have been to a lot of meets over the years!  His final sprint to the finish line of his state meet.  Yes, I shed some tears.  My favorite part was as I cheered him on one time as he ran past me, he gave me a big smile and a thumbs up.  He was positive and present in the moment, and it was a perfect end to his cross country career which has been amazing!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are safe and healthy and happy wherever you are!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Senior year is bittersweet with the last kid because so many lasts that have been a part of our lives for so long. Continue to enjoy them all though. Love the bearded men costumes and that pretty lake you happened upon.
