Thursday, November 10, 2022

2022 Blue Jeans Week 44

Time seems to be flying by as October ended and November began, and Thanksgiving seems just around the corner.  As I told someone this week, the days are long, but the weeks fly by!  We had a good week last week.  Take a look...
Went to a baby shower for a cute friend.  I have not been to one of those in a long time!!!  So fun!

We had a busy day Sunday and this was what our dinner consisted of.  Can you tell we are fans of Cheerios? :)

But we also decorated cookies to go along with the Cheerios.  You know, you need balance :)

Our Jack-o-lanterns this year looked good!

Halloween tradition of dinner in a pumpkin.  Yummy!

Our kids costumes this year...Mr and Mrs JC

Miss E rocking her Le Cordon Bleu cooking attire from this summer in Paris

Mrs and Mr A at their trunk-or-treat.

And Ben's work always dresses up.  All of them got orange scrubs

And all of them had this on the back, and their office manager was dressed up like a security officer.  Pretty funny!

Went exploring this weekend on a new hike that had some impressive rocks to get around.

Pretty views at the top

It was a 5.6 mile hike and tougher than we were expecting, but we did it!

Mr J having some fun in the rocks along the hike.

Hope you had a great week!  Stay safe and happy and healthy and thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Great costumes, pumpkins and cookies! How fun. Love the hike pictures too on such a beautiful fall day. We love Cheerios here in this house too. Apple Cinnamon are my favorite.
