Tuesday, May 2, 2023

2023 Blue Jeans Week 16

Busy week!  Checking out apartments in the city for Mr and Mrs OC for their move in June, National Honor Society banquet, and Prom!  Take a look at our week...
I was in the city all day looking at 5 different apartment complexes as possible places for Mr JC and Mrs OC to move into when they move out here in June for medical school and graduate school.  SO excited to have them closer!  I got lunch at Canes to replenish my energy!  One of my favorites!

My cake for April.  This is actually going to be a wedding cake for one of my best friend's daughters.  She wanted something nontraditional.  It is a Boston Cream Pie cake.  I needed to practice before the real cake is needed for the wedding end of May.  I think it turned out good, and it tasted extra yummy!

Went to lunch and flower shopping with some of my besties!  Sure love these ladies!

Went to lunch another day with another bestie.  Lots of yummy lunches with great friends!

End of the school year National Honor Society banquet. Mr J had served as VP this year.  Senior year is quickly coming to a close!

My J and some of his awesome friends (that decided to be twins :) at National Honor Society banquet.

Mr J and the band got a 1 rating at state.  Their director (kneeling in front) was so excited!  Proud of them! His last band competition!

Hello Prom!  For our prom we have what is called Grand March where the kids line up down the street from the school and drive up in fancy cars, tractors, or whatever creative vehicle they want to.  At the front of the school they get out and are announced as they walk up to the school.  There is always a big crowd.  It is fun for the community to see everyone dressed up and in the fancy cars. This is Mr J and his date in the car owned by his date's dad.  It was a stick shift, so Mr J's date spent the last month teaching him how to drive it so he could drive the few blocks up to prom.  He did a good job!  So fun!

Mr J and his date getting out at Grand March.  They have a line up of dad's across the street ready to drive off the cars after the kids get out. 

Mr J and his cute date with her awesome shoes.  He has known his date since she was born.  They are really good friends and are more like cousins than anything.  Our families are really close and get together for Christmas and Thanksgiving.  It was fun for them to go together as good friends.

We found a step for Mr J to stand on so he wasn't quite so short.  They looked so good!

Proud of this handsome kid!

Mr J and his friend all fancy for prom!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you are healthy and happy and safe wherever you are!  Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on Med and Grad school for JC and OC--exciting next steps for them. That cake looks so good and I think you nailed it. Such adorable prom pictures. Miss those days.
