Monday, March 7, 2016

2016 Blue Jeans Week 9

Exciting week for Miss A--her Life Smarts team won state and is headed to Nationals, and she won a statewide writing contest!  We have enjoyed very warm weather lately which we have loved!  Life in general has been a little slower this week, but that is quickly going to change next week as track starts and the general crazy of spring starts.  Every weekend is booked from now until May--every weekend.  Help us, here we go.  This time before graduation is going to fly by.  We just made it to the top of the roller coaster and are ready to fly down.  Hold on, it is going to be a crazy fun ride!!!
Miss A and her Life Smarts Team--it is like a quiz bowl team that focuses on 5 specific areas. They won state last year and were so excited to repeat this year.  Nationals here they come!!!

Miss E and Mr J enjoying the nice weather on the trampoline--shorts in February--crazy!

This is the picture from the front page of the newspaper with the article about Miss A winning the state writing contest.  She did an awesome job, and I love this picture of her.

Happy Dr. Seuss day!  In honor of his birthday we had green (scrambled) eggs and ham :)  with pancakes for dinner.  Yum!  Love Dr. Seuss! 

Lots of homework going on at our house these days. . . busy, busy!

Our garage door broke, so Miss A and Miss E help Ben hold it up while he fixes it.  That was not an easy job.  It is a heavy door!  So nice to have it fixed.  We take things like that for granted!

The girls babysat for some friends at our house this weekend.  It was fun to see them readying to the little boy one of their favorite books when they were little "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!  Come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The lead up to the end of the school year will be crazy especially for our seniors. Great job to miss A and her team. I do love that newspaper picture--such a great smile! Enjoy the craziness while it last ;0) Some day they will all be gone and you'll be bored. LOL!
