Tuesday, June 13, 2017

2017 Blue Jeans week 23

Busy week!  Miss O went to Sunflower Girls State.  She had a good time with the exception of a emergency room visit the last night.  Anytime your phone rings after 10 p.m. you know it isn't a good thing.  She was wearing her formal dress and heals and carrying a glass vase down concrete steps when her heal clipped the step and she tumbled down the whole flight of stairs landing on her back at the bottom.  The vase broke and sliced her finger open.  Thus emergency room visit in the middle of the night..... ugh.  But thankfully she was okay after 6 stitches :)  ouch!  An adventure for sure!  Mr J had his first swim meet and summer is going well!  Take a look at our week. . .
Sunday Miss O reported to Sunflower Girls State for a week.

Her dorm room for the week.

The girls from her school that also attended.  This is the last evening and right before she fell down the stairs and ended up in the emergency room.  Ugh!

Mr J's first swim meet of the summer.  He is diving in on the far right.

Picked up Miss O end of the week--don't you love her wrapped and splinted pinkie?  We went to a really good homemade ice cream shop in the town she was in to celebrate her being done and surviving the week :)

These cute girls got some new dresses this week that they had to show off.  Beautiful girls!!

And a card making night--got working on Father's Day cards to send out this week.

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my about the fall. So glad it wasn't anymore serious. Looks like she had a good time otherwise. Super cute dresses.
