Thursday, July 23, 2020

2020 Blue Jeans Week 29

Good week.  Nothing too exciting.  Everyone working hard now--Miss E at the hospital, Mr J at the pool (which finally opened for only 3 weeks, but it is still a paycheck, so he is not complaining).  Still have relatively quiet evenings and gearing back up to get things ready to school---Miss E for college and eventually Mr J for high school--whatever that looks like and whenever that starts.  Take a look at our week...
Mr J all dressed up for our at home church.  Handsome kid!

One of our staples during this crazy at home time has been this huge container (we are on our 2nd since mid March, as we ration them) of Jelly Belly jelly beans from Costco.  We pull them out when we play games and watch movies.  They are a good comfort food right now!

Both men of the house working hard on different things--Ben working on a continuing education class and Mr J on some church stuff. 

Caught this picture of Miss E and Mr J back by the fire pit after they had been weeding and working back there all morning.  They took a break to relax and I loved the image.  Mr J is sure going to miss his sister when she is gone in a few weeks!

Mr J mowing the lawn this week.  

Miss E working on cutting out masks for her and her two older sisters as masks will be required on campus everywhere when school starts for them this fall.  So, Miss E got some cute material for each of them, and we are going to start making masks!  Who would have thought masks would be a required item for school?  The "new normal" I guess???

We had a bonfire this weekend and used the new benches we made.  We got those Reese's peanut butter cup thins and used them to make s'mores.  Yummy!!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a good week!  Stay safe and healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good week. We live just abt an hour away from the Jelly Belly factory and the best part of visiting there is buying a big bag of "Jelly Flops"--the misshaped ones from production that they can't sell in their packages. Love the shot of the kids hanging out after weeding and your handsome son all dressed nice for church at home.
