Monday, June 12, 2023

2023 Blue Jeans Week 23

Started out the week not feeling very good and ended the week with Mrs OC and Mr JC moving to the city a few hours from us!  So exciting!  Take a look at our week...
Had a horrible sore throat, ended up going to the doctor and got lots of stuff to help me feel better quickly.  Haven't been sick in a long time.  Grateful all this stuff made me feel better soon!

Some of our pretty flowers on our front porch. I love the geraniums!

We had a wet, rainy day, so Mr J and I took a walk with the umbrella in the rain.  

We have been babysitting Mrs OC's car until they move out here, and Mr J got to drive it this week.  He liked it!

We moved in Mrs OC and Mr JC to the city a few hours from us.  We are SO excited to have them closer!  They will be attending medical school and grad school.

We spent the night with my sister this weekend.  Fun to see her.

There was an awesome British car show in the city that we walked through.

Went together to see the new Spiderman movie. After all the moving and unpacking we needed a break, and it was a good one!  So excited to have these two closer!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you had a great week!  


1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were sick and glad you're feeling better now. So nice to have Mrs OC move closer to home.
