Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crazy, crazy week

I seriously think this has been one of the busiest weeks ever!  I feel like I have just been running, running, running from early morn until way too late.  Just lots of things going on--Halloween stuff, church stuff, school stuff, but probably the most time consuming is I have become a volunteer Spanish/English translator.  Didn't plan on that one.  A new family moved into our small town from Mexico with no prior English speaking (except the Dad who speaks perfect English).  They have a daughter in Miss O's class, and I had heard about her from Miss O, so I knew she was struggling with English.  When I was volunteering in Miss O's room that week I had the new girl in my reading group, and I was talking to her in the little Spanish that I know, well the teacher heard me and was soooo excited!  It went something like this. . ."You speak Spanish!  Oh that is so wonderful, so you can help her and translate and. . . "  "Um, I had about 20 hours in college 15 years ago" I said, but I don't think she heard me because next thing I know I am walking down the hall and another teacher comes up and says "Oh I am so glad you are helping the new family because you are fluent and . . ."  Fluent!!!   Fluent???!!!  I about threw-up, "Um, no, no, no, no that is not me!"  I speak a little bit--hablo un poco espanol--not fluent, don't translate--especially math/science/grammar terms--most people can barely explain math/science/grammar terms in their own language let alone translate them to another, um, I think you have the wrong person.  Then when volunteering at school on a different day I get called over the intercom about my "Spanish class" that I'm teaching.  Ugh!  Where did all these rumors get started?  I about burst out laughing when I heard that one.  People, I am not fluent, but no one is listening to me.  Anyway, by default, I guess I am the most "fluent" person available, so I have really been stretching my brain this week as I "translate" and explain things to this sweetest family in the world.  They are the nicest people.  Luckily I still have my Spanish/English dictionary from back in the day.  That was one textbook I didn't or maybe couldn't sell back. Can't remember.  Maybe that is why I feel so tried, it is all this brain work as well as physical running around, baking Halloween cookies, making costumes.  I think mental work can make you just as exhausted as actual physical labor.  That is my excuse anyway, and I am sticking too it.  Looking forward to next week, and hopefully a slower pace!  Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!


  1. no he hablado en espanol en casi veinte anos... that's all I remember... and I use it quite often :)

  2. wait... I think that was wrong... "casi"... what the heck???

  3. You're such a good sport Jen. They are so lucky to have you. This week has been crazy!

  4. Hahaha. You should have taken French with me instead Jen. :)
