Thursday, July 12, 2012

Enjoying the fruits (and vegetables) of their labors

So it has been amazingly hot around here lately.  I snapped this temp in my van in the late morning last week!!!  Ugh!  It got hotter than this, but I didn't take a picture.  It has been so dry also.  

Thankfully we got a little rain last weekend, but we still need more.

Despite all the heat and no rain, our garden, or I should say my kids' gardens have flourished.  We have had a garden every year for the last 12 years since we got out of grad school and apartments and had a home with a yard.  Ben and I (well, mostly I) have been in charge of the garden.  The kids have come along and helped half-heartedly as they have grown up with lots of complaining and whining.  Anyone else relate to this?  So this year I decided to do something different.  Our garden is fairly big--50 feet by 50 feet, so I divided it evenly into 4 squares in the spring.  I told each kid they got a square.  It was their own garden.  I put out all the seeds and said, "Plant whatever you want where ever," and I left it at that.  I haven't reminded them to water.  I haven't said anything about weeding, and I haven't set a foot in the garden until this past Tuesday.  I have just watched from the kitchen window each morning as they have weeded and watered, and I am honestly amazed.  When I went into the garden Tuesday night weeds were not to be found, and fruits and veggies were bursting out all over.  The kids have done an amazing job.  They are so proud,
 "This is my cantaloupe."  
"Do you like my corn Dad?" 
 "My zucchini was used in this bread, isn't it good?"  
"My green peppers are in the chili"
We have had lots of zucchini.  We harvested corn Tuesday night.  We are getting lots of peppers, our first cantaloupes and there are lots more to come as well as watermelon and carrots and tomatoes.  I say 'we' but it is really the kids.  They have watered it, weeded it, and taken such good care of their gardens.  Of course, don't look at our water bill.  As we were shucking corn Ben commented each ear was probably worth about $5 each with all the water, but hey, the kids did it, and I am sure proud of them.  Miss O was definitely proud of her harvest when I snapped this picture.  I am wishing I had thought of this plan years before.  I am now certain how I will garden from now on (or at least for the next 11 years until Mr J goes to college)--from the kitchen window.  Bring it on.


  1. Totally going to do that when the kids are a little older - I get tired of doing it :)

  2. Ha! That's fantastic. Brilliant. My kind of gardening. :) I need to snap a picture of my small "garden". The zucchini have overtaken my pea space. Boo. Oh well. Live and learn. Thanks for sharing!

  3. So enjoy ALL your posts.... :D

  4. I looked through tons of your past posts. So fun to see what you guys are up to. You just seem like such a happy wonderful family. I wish my family knew yours better. What beautiful children. We did a very similar thing with the garden, but my kids needed a little reminding of what needed done in their gardens. Ours is very behind yours. No cucumbers yet and no one has corn yet. I'll post something soon on my blog. It's only been a year.
