Monday, March 12, 2012

2012 Blue Jeans Week 10

Welcome to Blue Jeans Momma.  I am so happy you came to visit.  I am doing my 4th year of a picture-a-day Project Life to document the life of my family of 6.  I try to blog on
Mondays--my week in pictures
Wednesday--mouth-watering Wednesdays where I share a recipe--a simple, easy, yummy recipe
Fridays--Fabulous Fridays where I share random things I love

Can you believe we are 10 weeks into this year?  They say times flies, but as I grow older it seems to fly faster, and I am not appreciating the spring forward time change.  To me that just seems to put things on 'fast forward.'  I think we should all adopt Arizona's policy and not have the time changes.  It would make my house happier.  It was not a happy morning getting everyone up today.  Hope it went better at yours :)  Here is what we have been up to this week. . .

Sunday:  Sunday evening desserts are a very treasured tradition at our house.  Usually we eat them while playing a game at the kitchen table.  Tonight we had key lime tarts and played Yahtzee. 

Monday:  Monday nights are family night at our house.  We have a religious lesson, sing songs, plan the week, play games, and have treats.  We rotate who is in charge of each activity.  Tonight Ben was in charge of activities, and he set up a Nerf gun shooting range in the family room with blocks to hit.  You got so many points for hitting certain blocks.  I think my score was 3, and Mr J smoked us all with his sharp shooting ability and won.  Miss A is taking her turn shooting while everyone watches.

Tuesday:  My family has varied musical tastes, but lately the one album we all love is Adele 21.  It is constantly blaring in the van while I am driving (thus this picture) and is on everyone's favorite play lists.  Even Mr J can sing you all the words to all the songs.  "Rumor has it" is his favorite :)

Wednesday:  In case you didn't know, we live in a small town.  My parents also live in this small town.  It is the small town I was blessed to grow up in.  My mom is the librarian at my kids' elementary school.  How awesome is that to be able to go to the library at school and check out a book and to get a hug from your Nana while doing it?  That has been a blessing in my kids' lives.  Today I worked at my mom's library as her para.  It was fun to check in and out books to all the kids--including my own, and spend the day helping my mom.  This is me and my amazing mom in her library at school.

Thursday:  In the evenings before bed Ben likes to read aloud to the kids.  He usually reads to them in our bedroom.  He is currently reading The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsail.  While he reads Mr J likes to bring in his train pieces and make train tracks.  He has always been a huge Thomas the Train lover and lover of trains in general.  I love this.  After 3 girls it is fun to have lots of trains in the house.  Sometimes it can be rather annoying to step on train tracks in the middle of the night, but I keep reminding myself, "You are going to miss this one day," and I know I will, and I also know that day will come much quicker than I want it to.

Friday:  It was a beautiful day after school today.  To enjoy it Mr J and Miss E went out on the trampoline to read and enjoy the sunshine.  They came prepared with blankets, water bottles, and snacks.

Saturday:  Today was our state's Republican caucus.  I am very proud to be an American, and I take my right to vote very seriously.  When we found out a few months ago that our caucus was an hour away (one way) there was no doubt in my mind we would go.  Voting is very important to me, and I honestly don't think I have missed voting at a local, state, or national election since I turned 18 and was able to vote.  We live in a country where we are blessed to have freedom and a choice, and we need to vote and exercise that freedom and choice.  So, Friday Ben and I drove two hours round trip with my parents to vote at our caucus, and even though who I voted for didn't win our state, I still voted, and it was worth it. 

Hope you all have a good week and that everyone adjusts quickly to the time change--that is what I am wishing for here!  Soccer and track start this week--let spring begin!

Naptime Momtog


  1. I love your Monday night tradition. The reading a story is fabulous as well. I wish I worked at my grandson's library! Lastly, good for you for getting out and voting. It does matter.

  2. Looks like a fun week. Sunday night desserts are big here too and I think it would be so cool to read on a trampoline. Seems like the perfect spot--now I just need one ;0)

  3. Daylight savings stinks!!!! I wish a Presidential candidate would address that issue! :)
    Love your family traditions.

  4. Such a great Monday night tradition. Kind of nice to make Monday fun instead of yucky back to routine day. And the nerf gun target idea is great! We'll definitely be doing that!

  5. What a fun week!! I love them and your traditions. key lime tarts sound divine.

  6. Go Jen! Good for you getting to the caucus. And love the idea of the FHE game - must try that this month.
