Thursday, December 1, 2016

2016 Daily December 1

I a little behind on the blog, but it is December, so my Daily December posts will help me catch up!  This December I wanted to start off with sharing this video about how Christ is the Light of the World and how when we serve others we can be like Him, so this December in 25 ways for 25 days our family is going to serve and be like Christ and help Light the World.  Please watch this short video and join us!

December first is a world wide day of service to start off this Christmas campaign to bring Light to the World and be like Christ.  So what did we do?  We made cookies for the high school band before their Christmas concert.
Lots of chocolate chip cookies for all these awesome band kids!

And then this morning I got served by my dear friend.  I have 2 friends that I walk with in the mornings and to serve me my friend gave us bundt cakes!  Yum!  How lucky am I to get served too!

So two lessons I learned today
1.  Giving service to others makes you feel great 
2.  Being served by others makes you feel great too!

So this Christmas season make yourself and others feel great by serving---Lighting the World!

This is the link to the daily service ideas and short videos for each day 


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