Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Daily December 6: Blue Jeans Week 46

For my Daily December today I am posting my photos of the week.  I normally do this every Tuesday.  Enjoy!

Sunday:  We got the Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but because of company and such we didn't get it decorated until today.  Everyone likes to help, and it looks really good.
Monday:  Rarely do I get a shot like this--the whole family at Wal-mart?  Yes, it is crazy, but tonight we were shopping for Sub-4-Santa adopt-a-child, so everyone needed to come and help.  It was crazy, and fun, and I am glad that is a tradition we have to help the kids think of others and realize how blessed they are.
Tuesday:  Miss O on her own decided she wanted to string popcorn for the Christmas tree that Ben and I have in our room.  It is a smaller one, so it shouldn't take her too long.   I was impressed with her desire and diligence in doing it.  It also made the house smell so good making popcorn in the popcorn maker versus the microwave.
Wednesday:  The fruit of Christmas is a pomegranate my girls tell me, and they love them.  I always thought oranges were the fruit of Christmas.  I don't think I knew what a pomegranate was until college or later :)

Thursday:  I got the Christmas countdown chain up and ready to go.  My kids love that tradition.  Everyday they take off a link and it has something to do--sing carols, read a favorite Christmas story, etc.  See Daily December 5 post for more on that.
Friday:  This nativity set is our newest Christmas decoration this year.  I love it.  It is very detailed with jewels on the wise men and such.  I got it as Costco.  My kids are finally old enough I felt confident in buying a really nice nativity set to have out.
Saturday:  It has been tradition for the last 11 years that the first Saturday in December my parents watch the kids all day so Ben and I can head to the city and (hopefully) finish all our Christmas shopping.  So we enjoyed a full day together Saturday and actually did finish all the shopping.  Ben had to try out a few of the things we got just to make sure they worked :)

Hope you are all enjoying the season and be sure and check back often for my Daily December blog posts!  Have a great week!

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